I used to keep lots of different loose teas in pretty tins at home but over the years I have got lazy and also there are no "teashops" around here, we briefly had a Whittards but that's not the same as shop walls lined with giant teacaddies filled with the most amazing smelling teas to be bought in as large or small (!) quantities as you please!
Anyway, I digress, the point is I have some lovely tins but nothing in them so I looked around the kitchen and decided that the hamstertreats could go in there rather than in the ugly plastic tubs they were in, this is practical and I get to have my tins on display for a reason. I don't like to display things just for the hell of it, they need to have a purpose. The hamster food is stored in an equally pretty tin that was given to me.

We also had seed packets and a few seed potatoes floating around in the kitchen and they are now stored in a very pretty casserole dish that is way to small for a family of 4, I just can't bear to get rid of it, besides, the kids won't live at home forever so there will come a time when it suits its intended purpose in my home.
A tatty old winecooler serves as a "cooking-tool" caddy because the ones you can buy are always too small and way to low to not topple over.

Lastly (a not very unique idea I'm sure but I was on a roll!) a nice tin that held biscuits (for about 5 min!) when it was gifted to us, now serves as storage for crispbread. It was just the perfect size for a pack.